
An Instant database and REST API for your web and/or mobile apps.

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LilACS (Beta)

LilACS (Li'l ACS) is a combination of Node.ACS (to expose an API) + ACS (as a data store), that will provide you with an instant API for your mobile or web app.


The steps to get LilACS are:

1. Install ACS if you don't already have it:

$ [sudo] npm install acs -g

2. Login to ACS:

$ acs login

3. Create ACS App

Go to and create an ACS-only app. Open this app, create an admin user and grab the ACS Key and ACS Secret

4. Clone LilACS

$ git clone

5. Add settings

Open /lib/lilacs_template.js and add your ACS Keys and admin user info. Save this file as /lib/lilacs.js

6. Launch and run

$ acs run

7. When ready to publish

$ acs publish --force

ACS will return a public URL for your API.


Once you have LilACS running, your backend is ready to start receiving requests at http://your_domain:port/api/xxxxx.

Basic Auth

Lilacs uses Basic Auth to protect the endpoints. The admin username and passwords you added to ACS and the lilacs.js file will be used as the valid user for all GET and POST requests. This means that you need to add your Basic Auth credentials to the URL like so:


The basics

Records are added to datasets. Your base url will allways be:


The next querystring parameter is the dataset, so if your dataset is employees, your URL will be:


The following diagram shows the anathomy of the URL "language":

URL Explained

Adding records

Records are added via HTTP Post. Simply post a JavaScript Object in the data variable to http://yourhost/api/set. For example:

Example object:

    name: 'Ricardo',
    lname: 'Alcocer,
    department: 'Finance'

To add this record to the employee dataset, simply POST the data via HTTP. Data needs to be sent in a variable named data.

curl -X POST -d 'data={"name": "Some Name", "email": ""}' http://yourhost/api/yourdatasetname/set

Updating records

Updating is similar to Adding, but simply call /edit and POST the variable id along with data, id being the id of the record to update. Your record will be replaced with the newly posted one.

curl -X POST -d 'id=123456abc&data={"name": "Some Name", "email": ""}' http://yourhost/api/yourdatasetname/edit

Deleting records

To delete simply call /delete and POST the variable id, id being the id of the record to remove. In case you wish to delete more than one record, sent the variable ids instead and all record ids separated by commas.

curl -X POST -d 'id=123456abc' http://yourhost/api/yourdatasetname/delete
curl -X POST -d 'ids=123456abc,54321dcba' http://yourhost/api/yourdatasetname/delete

Querying records

Right after adding your first record, a full REST API will be exposed to you to manage the data, in our example located at:


LilACS exposes the following arguments from the ACS 'query' method:


Get all records from employees where department='Finance'

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/department="Finance"

Note: If the string to search for has spaces, they need to be URL Encoded.

Get all employees ordered by name

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/all/order/name

Get all employees ordered by name but only the id and name columns

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/all/order/name/columns/id,name

Get all employees where name='Ricardo' and order by creation date descending

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/name="Finance"/order/-created_at

Get all employees where name="Ricardo" and department="Finance" order by creation date descending

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/name="Ricardo",department="Finance"/order/-created_at

Note: Allowed logical operators are: =, >, <, >=, <= and !=

Pagination : Previous example, but in pages of 10 records each

curl http://yourhost/api/employees/get/name="Ricardo"/order/-created_at/per_page/10/page/1

NOTE Querystring parameters are value pairs, for example when querying a page, the URL looks like /page/1, where page is the variable and 1 is the value. In case a parameter can receive multiple values, they are separated by commas.


A data browser is provided at http://yourhost/admin. You can browse through your datasets, edit and delete data.

Stuff to-do and in-the-works


Mechanism for adding onSet, onEdit, onValidate, onDelete events. Initial tests are located in the file /lib/lilacsevents.js


Pull requests are encouraged


Licensed under the terms of the MIT License |